A leading UI component library for Angular 2
Full-stack Developer
Core team member of PrimeFaces and PrimeFaces Extensions open source projects
Author for multiple books
Technical reviewer for few books
What is PrimeNG?
Why to choose PrimeNG?
What features it provides?
Quick setup with in minutes
What next in Prime World?
Sibling of PrimeFaces, the most popular JSF component library
Started around JAN 2016,by PrimeTek company with MIT license
Recently released PrimeNG 2.0 version
Over 80 rich UI components
Complete and Production ready
Open source vs Commercial libraries(KendoUI,Wijmo5 etc)
Customizable themes
Premium themes and layouts
Vibrant community support
Brad,Director at Google and Angular when PrimeNG started
Mentioned in Angular conferences
Sponsor for AngularBeers and Ng-Conf conferences
Uses latest HTML5,CSS3,SASS web technologies
Accessibility(Section 508)
AOT support
CLI Support
Google material design
Image sprites and Font Awesome icons
Webpack and SystemJS modular setups
CSS over JS
New components,features and performance first
Accessibility improvements
RTL support
Clone the repo from PrimeNG github
Install Angular2 and PrimeNG dependencies: npm install
Run the project:
npm start
It’s a Demo time
PrimeReact UI component library for React Devs
Plans for Polymer,Vue etc
Slides and sample app@ https://github.com/sudheerj/primeng-demo-slides